What Color Paint Makes a Room Look Bigger and Brighter?

What Color Paint Makes a Room Look Bigger and Brighter?

Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here. So I’ve always had a thing for tiny apartments. There’s just something about the coziness and charm of a small space that I can’t resist. But let me tell you, trying to make a small room look bigger and brighter can be a bit of a challenge.

I’ve tried all sorts of tricks over the years – mirrors, light-colored furniture, even those goofy “optical illusion” paintings that are supposed to make a room look bigger.

But out of all the things I’ve tried, the one that’s made the biggest difference is simply changing the paint color.

Turns out, the right paint color can do wonders for making a small room look bigger and brighter. And in this article, I’m going to share some of the best paint colors for achieving this effect.

Light, Neutral Colors

One of the best ways to make a small room look bigger and brighter is to use light, neutral colors. These colors reflect light, which helps to make a room feel more open and airy. Some good options include:

  • White
  • Beige
  • Light grey
  • Taupe

Just be sure to avoid using pure white, as this can sometimes feel a bit stark and clinical. Instead, opt for a warm, off-white color like cream or ivory, which will give the room a softer, more welcoming feel.

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Light Pastels

Another good option for making a small room look bigger and brighter is to use light pastel colors. These colors are soft and subtle, which helps to create a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Some good options include:

Just be careful not to go too overboard with pastel colors, as they can sometimes feel a bit “babyish” if used in large quantities. Instead, try using pastels as accents, paired with a neutral color like white or beige.

Bright Colors

Believe it or not, using bright colors can actually help to make a small room look bigger and brighter. The key is to use bright colors sparingly, as accents rather than the main color scheme. Some good options include:

  • Bright orange
  • Bright red
  • Bright yellow
  • Bright purple

Just be sure to balance out the bright colors with plenty of neutral colors, to prevent the room from feeling overwhelming or cluttered.


Can dark colors make a small room look bigger?

In general, it’s best to avoid using dark colors in a small room, as they tend to make the space feel smaller and more enclosed.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t use dark colors at all in a small space. Just be sure to use them sparingly, as accents rather than the main color scheme.

For example, you could use a dark color on an accent wall, paired with light, neutral colors on the other walls.

Can I use patterned wallpaper in a small room?

Yes, you can definitely use patterned wallpaper in a small room.

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Just be sure to choose a pattern that’s relatively small and subtle, rather than a bold, attention-grabbing pattern. This will help to avoid overwhelming the space and making it feel cluttered.

Can I mix and match different paint colors in a small room?

Definitely! Mixing and matching different paint colors can be a great way to add personality and visual interest to a small room.

Just be sure to follow the 60 30 10 decorating rule (60% dominant color, 30% secondary color, 10% accent color) to ensure that the room looks cohesive and balanced.

My Conclusion

So there you have it, some of the best paint colors for making a small room look bigger and brighter.

Whether you go for light, neutral colors, light pastels, or bold accents, the key is to choose colors that reflect light and create a sense of openness and airiness. So go forth and paint on, my friends!
