What Color Carpet Goes with Beige Walls?

What Color Carpet Goes with Beige Walls?

Hey there! My name is Joe, and I’ve got a funny story for you. So, I was moving into my new apartment and I was super excited to decorate it.

I had this vision of a beige paradise, with beige walls, beige furniture, and a beige carpet. I mean, beige is the new black, right?

But as I was laying down the carpet, I realized that my dream of a beige wonderland was turning into a nightmare.

I couldn’t figure out what color carpet to choose that would match my beige walls. I mean, there’s like 50 shades of beige, and I didn’t know which one to pick.

So, I decided to take a break and went for a walk. I was strolling down the street when I saw this beautiful house with a beige exterior and a green lawn.

And it hit me: I needed to add a pop of color to my beige walls. And that’s when I realized that the perfect color for my carpet was green.

But, I know that not everyone has the same taste as me, and that’s why I’m here to help you find the perfect color carpet for your beige walls.

So, keep reading to find out what color carpet goes with beige walls and why you should choose it.

Beige Walls, Beige Carpet?

Let’s start with the obvious: if you want a cohesive look, you can always go for a beige carpet. It’s safe, it’s easy, and it’s not gonna clash with your walls.

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But, where’s the fun in that?

Contrast is Key

The key to finding the perfect color carpet for your beige walls is contrast. You want to choose a color that’s gonna make your beige walls pop.

For example, a dark carpet, like navy blue or charcoal gray, will create a striking contrast with your beige walls. It’ll make your room look more sophisticated and elegant.

Go for a Pop of Color

If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also choose a carpet in a bright color, like red, orange, or yellow. These colors will add a pop of color to your room and make it look more lively and fun.

But, be careful not to overdo it. If you choose a brightly colored carpet, you should keep the rest of your decor neutral, so you don’t end up with a circus tent in your living room.

The Best Colors for Beige Walls

Here are some of the best colors for beige walls, according to Joe:

  • Green
  • Navy blue
  • Charcoal gray
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow


Can I use patterned carpet with beige walls?

Sure thing! But, be careful not to choose a carpet with a pattern that’s too busy. A subtle pattern, like a geometric print or a floral motif, can add interest to your room without overwhelming it.

What if I have white trim and doors?

If you have white trim and doors, you have a bit more flexibility when it comes to choosing a carpet color.

A light-colored carpet, like cream or light gray, will complement your white trim and doors and make your room look more spacious.

Can I use a patterned carpet with a patterned wallpaper?

It’s not impossible, but it’s definitely a tricky situation.

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If you want to use a patterned carpet with a patterned wallpaper, you should make sure that the patterns are different enough that they don’t clash, but similar enough that they complement each other.

It’s a delicate balance, so proceed with caution.

The Final Verdict

So, there you have it folks, the ultimate guide to finding the perfect color carpet for your beige walls, straight from Joe’s mouth.

Remember, contrast is key, a pop of color never hurt nobody, and if all else fails, just choose green.

But, most importantly, have fun with it! Decorating is supposed to be fun and enjoyable, not a chore.

So, don’t be afraid to experiment and try different colors and patterns until you find the one that makes your heart sing.

Happy decorating!
