Category: Room

  • What is the easiest way to find a stud?

    What is the easiest way to find a stud?

    So, I’m Joe. And I’m here to tell you a little story about the time I tried to hang a picture in my apartment. I was feeling all DIY and decided to tackle this project on my own. I grabbed my trusty stud finder and started scanning the wall. Low and behold, I couldn’t find…

  • How to Find a Wall Stud Without a Tool?

    How to Find a Wall Stud Without a Tool?

    Let me tell you a little story about the time I decided to hang a shelf in my living room. I had just moved into a new apartment and was feeling pretty handy. I grabbed a drill, some screws, and a level and set to work. After a few minutes of searching for the perfect…

  • Can I Use My Phone as a Stud Finder?

    Can I Use My Phone as a Stud Finder?

    Hey there, Joe here. I know you’re wondering if you can use your phone as a stud finder. Well, let me tell you a little story about the time I tried to do just that. So, I’m a handy guy, right? I like to fix things around the house and take on DIY projects. But…

  • How to Make a Homemade Stud Finder?

    How to Make a Homemade Stud Finder?

    So, I remember the time I was trying to hang a picture in my living room. I had a stud finder, but I couldn’t find the studs for the life of me. I ended up just hammering nails into the drywall and hoping for the best. It was a disaster. The picture ended up crooked,…

  • Can I Use My iPhone As A Stud Finder?

    Can I Use My iPhone As A Stud Finder?

    Hey there, my name is Joe and I’m here to tell you about a time when I tried to use my trusty old iPhone as a stud finder. I was hanging a new TV in my living room and I realized I didn’t have a stud finder on hand. I thought to myself “No problem,…

  • What is the cheapest way to divide a room?

    What is the cheapest way to divide a room?

    So, I was living in a studio apartment and my girl came over one day. We were trying to have a romantic dinner, but my tiny TV was blasting “My Little Pony” from the other room (don’t judge, it’s a guilty pleasure). So, we decided to put up a room divider to separate the living…

  • Is Kallax Strong Enough to Sit?

    Is Kallax Strong Enough to Sit?

    Hey there, my name’s Joe and I’ve got a funny story to tell ya. So, I was at IKEA one day and I saw this Kallax shelf unit just chillin’ on the showroom floor. I thought to myself, “Hey, that’d be a perfect bench seat for my living room!” So, I bought it, brought it…

  • Can you use KALLAX to divide a room?

    Can you use KALLAX to divide a room?

    Hey there, my name is Joe and I’m here to share some personal funny stories with you about using KALLAX to divide rooms. I’ll also share some tips and tricks for how to do it like a boss. So, I’m sure we’ve all been there before – you have a room that is just too…

  • Let’s Get Real: Does Light Flooring Really Make a Room Look Bigger?

    Let’s Get Real: Does Light Flooring Really Make a Room Look Bigger?

    As a kid, I remember walking into my sister’s pink and purple painted room and thinking “Wow, this room is huge!” Fast forward to my adult life and I’m now in the process of designing my own home. And wouldn’t you know it, I’m still not quite sure how to make a room look bigger.…

  • Do light colored walls make a room look bigger?

    Do light colored walls make a room look bigger?

    Hey, Joe here. So, I’ll never forget the time my buddy and I decided to paint our dorm room black. We thought it’d be cool, ya know? Like a scene straight out of a rockstar’s bachelor pad. But let me tell ya, that was a big mistake. We went from feeling like rockstars to feeling…