Category: Room

  • What Happens When You Forget to Tape Your Drywall

    What Happens When You Forget to Tape Your Drywall

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here and I’ve got a real humdinger of a story to tell you about drywall and the importance of taping. So, picture this: I’m a young and ambitious DIY-er, thinking I can tackle a home renovation project all on my own. I’ve got my hammer, my nails, and a…

  • Do I Have to Use Tape When Mudding Drywall?

    Do I Have to Use Tape When Mudding Drywall?

    So, let me tell y’all a little story about my first time mudding drywall. I was a young, ambitious DIY-er, thinking I could tackle this drywall project all on my own. I didn’t have any experience, but I figured how hard could it be? Well, I’ll tell ya, it was a hot mess. I didn’t…

  • How Do I Know What’s Behind The Wall Before Drilling?

    How Do I Know What’s Behind The Wall Before Drilling?

    Hey y’all, it’s Joe here. So I was doing some DIY work in my house and I needed to hang a picture on the wall. I thought to myself, “Where’s the best spot for this bad boy?” So I grabbed my trusty drill, found the perfect spot, and went to town. Next thing I know,…

  • How do you find a stud in the wall by knocking?

    How do you find a stud in the wall by knocking?

    Yo, what’s good fam? It’s your boy Joe here and I’m here to share a little personal story with y’all. So, I was trying to hang a heavy-ass mirror in my living room and I was convinced I had found the perfect spot. I banged in the nail and…BOOM! The drywall crumbles and the mirror…

  • How To Find Studs With A Tape Measure?

    How To Find Studs With A Tape Measure?

    Hey there, Joe here, and I’ve got a funny story for ya about findin’ studs with a tape measure. So, I was tryna hang a big ol’ picture of a moose in my living room, but I couldn’t seem to find the studs no matter how hard I looked. I decided to use the ol’…

  • Does Drilling Into a Stud Weaken It?

    Does Drilling Into a Stud Weaken It?

    Hey y’all, it’s Joe here and I’ve got a funny story to share with y’all about drilling into a stud. So, I was trying to hang up a fancy new mirror in my bathroom and I thought to myself, “Self, why not just drill right into that stud?” Boy, was I wrong. Long story short,…

  • Does a stud finder beep when it finds a stud?

    Does a stud finder beep when it finds a stud?

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here, and I’ve got a funny story to share with you about stud finders. So, I’m a handy guy – I like to think of myself as the next Bob Vila. I’m always fixing things around the house, building things, and generally just making sure everything is in tip-top…

  • What triggers a stud finder?

    What triggers a stud finder?

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here and I’ve got a real doozy of a story to tell ya about the time I tried to hang a damn picture in my living room. So I’m sittin’ there with my hammer and nails, tryna find the perfect spot to put up this picture of my grandmother.…

  • What happens if you drill a stud?

    What happens if you drill a stud?

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here. I’ve got a funny little story to tell ya’ll about the time I drilled a stud in my house. So I was tryna hang up this picture frame in my living room and I figured, “Hey, I’ll just drill a hole in the wall, no big deal.” Well,…

  • How do I know if I’m drilling into a stud?

    How do I know if I’m drilling into a stud?

    So there I was, Joe the handyman, ready to hang up a new bookshelf in my living room. I grabbed my drill, found the spot on the wall where I wanted to put the shelf, and started drilling away. Or so I thought. Turns out, I wasn’t drilling into a stud at all. I was…