Hey there, Joe here, and I’ve got a funny story for ya about findin’ studs with a tape measure.
So, I was tryna hang a big ol’ picture of a moose in my living room, but I couldn’t seem to find the studs no matter how hard I looked.
I decided to use the ol’ “knock and listen” method, but that just made my landlord think I was playin’ the drums at 2 am. So, I decided to break out the trusty tape measure and give it a shot.
I was measurin’ away, when I suddenly realized that I was holdin’ the tape measure upside down. Yup, you read that right. UPSIDE DOWN.
I must’ve looked like a real dumbass, but it’s all good, cuz I eventually found the studs and got that moose hung up.
Now, I know you’re probably thinkin’, “Joe, how the hell do you even use a tape measure to find studs?”. Well, don’t you worry, I’m gonna break it all down for ya in this here article.
Finding studs with a tape measure is easy, once you know how.
The Basics
First things first, you’re gonna need a tape measure. I recommend one of them fancy ones with the little laser pointer on the end, cuz it makes life a whole lot easier.
Once you’ve got your tape measure, you’re gonna wanna start by findin’ the edges of the studs. The easiest way to do this is by lookin’ for electrical outlets or light switches. These are usually installed on the edges of the studs.
Once you’ve found an outlet or light switch, measure 16 inches to the left or right. This is where the next stud should be.
If you can’t find an outlet or light switch, no worries, you can still find the studs. Just start measurin’ from the floor, and measure up every 16 inches. The studs should be somewhere around those measurements.
Another tip is to check for any nails or screws that might be sticking out of the wall, which are likely to be holding up drywall, that’s how you can detect studs.
Using A Stud Finder
Now, if you’re really wantin’ to make things easy on yourself, you can use a stud finder.
A stud finder is a little gadget that you run over the wall, and it’ll tell you when it’s found a stud.
I recommend the electronic ones, cuz they’re a little more accurate than the magnetic ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How many inches apart are studs usually?
A: Studs are usually 16 inches apart, center to center.
Q: What’s the best way to find studs in a wall?
A: The best way to find studs in a wall is to use a combination of the measurement technique and a stud finder.
You can look for electrical outlets and light switches, measure 16 inches from them, and use a stud finder to confirm the location of the studs.
Q: Can I find studs in a wall without a tape measure or a stud finder?
A: It’s possible to find studs without a tape measure or a stud finder, but it can be difficult.
You can try using the “knock and listen” method, where you knock on the wall and listen for a difference in sound, indicating a stud.
But, this method can be unreliable and not very accurate. So, It’s best to use a tape measure or stud finder for best results.
My Bottom Line
Well, there ya have it folks, now you know how to find studs like a pro, with or without a tape measure or stud finder.
Just remember to hold that tape measure right side up, unless you’re lookin’ to add some entertainment value to your home improvement project.
Good luck, and happy hanging!