{"id":842,"date":"2023-01-15T19:31:44","date_gmt":"2023-01-15T19:31:44","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/?p=842"},"modified":"2023-01-15T19:31:45","modified_gmt":"2023-01-15T19:31:45","slug":"is-eggshell-paint-easy-to-clean","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/is-eggshell-paint-easy-to-clean\/","title":{"rendered":"Is Eggshell Paint Easy to Clean?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Let me tell you, as a homeowner, I have had my fair share of painting mishaps. But one that stands out in my mind is the time I decided to paint my living room with eggshell paint.<\/p>\n

I thought to myself, “Joe, this is the perfect finish for high-traffic areas, it’s durable and easy to clean.” Boy, was I wrong.<\/p>\n

You see, I had just moved into my new home and was eager to make it my own. I had always heard that eggshell paint<\/a> was a great option for living rooms, kitchens, and hallways.<\/p>\n

So, I went to the store, picked up a gallon of “easy to clean” eggshell paint<\/a>, and got to work.<\/p>\n

Fast forward a few weeks, and my living room was looking great. But then, my daughter had a birthday party.<\/p>\n

And let’s just say, things got a little wild. Cake was smeared on the walls, juice was spilled, and I was left with a mess that seemed impossible to clean.<\/p>\n

I grabbed my trusty sponge and some warm water, and to my surprise, the stains were not budging. I tried everything from vinegar to baking soda, but nothing seemed to work.<\/p>\n

I even tried using a magic eraser, but that just left little white marks all over my freshly painted walls<\/a>.<\/p>\n

So, is eggshell paint easy to clean? The short answer is no.<\/strong><\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n