{"id":276,"date":"2023-01-08T20:05:58","date_gmt":"2023-01-08T20:05:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/?p=276"},"modified":"2023-01-08T20:05:58","modified_gmt":"2023-01-08T20:05:58","slug":"how-long-should-i-wait-between-coats-of-gel-stain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/how-long-should-i-wait-between-coats-of-gel-stain\/","title":{"rendered":"How long should I wait between coats of gel stain?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hey y’all, it’s your pal Joe here to talk about one of my favorite topics: gel staining. Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Gel staining? That’s not exactly the most thrilling topic in the world.”<\/p>\n

But bear with me, because gel staining<\/a> can be a total game changer when it comes to giving your furniture or home decor a fresh new look.<\/p>\n

Plus, I’ve got a pretty hilarious story to share with you about my own gel staining<\/a> mishaps that’ll have you rolling on the floor.<\/p>\n

So, a few months back, I decided to give my old kitchen table<\/a> a makeover. I’d seen all these fancy before-and-after pictures on Pinterest and figured, “How hard could it be?” Ha. Boy, was I in for a rude awakening. I picked out a nice, rich color of gel stain<\/a> and got to work.<\/p>\n

Everything was going swimmingly until I realized I had completely forgotten to read the instructions on the back of the can. Oops.<\/p>\n

I figured I’d just wing it and go for a thin coat, since that’s how it looked in all the Pinterest pictures. Big mistake.<\/p>\n

After about an hour of slathering on the gel stain<\/a>, I stepped back to admire my handiwork and was shocked to see that my once-smooth table was now a bumpy, uneven mess. It looked like someone had drizzled a bucket of honey over it and then let their kids go to town with finger paints.<\/p>\n

Panicked and not wanting to waste all the gel stain<\/a> I’d already used, I decided to add a second coat to try and even things out.<\/p>\n

As you can probably guess, this only made matters worse. By the time I was finished, my kitchen table<\/a> looked like it had been attacked by a swarm of angry bees.<\/p>\n

I couldn’t even begin to imagine how many coats it would take to fix this disaster, so I eventually just gave up and called it a day. Long story short, I learned the hard way that patience is key when it comes to gel staining<\/a>.<\/p>\n


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