{"id":194,"date":"2023-01-08T17:16:49","date_gmt":"2023-01-08T17:16:49","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/?p=194"},"modified":"2023-01-08T17:16:49","modified_gmt":"2023-01-08T17:16:49","slug":"should-you-sand-between-coats-of-gel-stain","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/homedecormastery.com\/should-you-sand-between-coats-of-gel-stain\/","title":{"rendered":"Should You Sand Between Coats of Gel Stain?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Hey there! My name is Joe and I’m here to talk to you about something that has caused me no end of frustration in the past – sanding between coats of gel stain.<\/p>\n

As a DIY enthusiast, I love nothing more than taking on a new project and making it my own. But man, let me tell you – there have been times when I’ve wished I could just throw in the towel and call it a day.<\/p>\n

And one of those times was when I was working on a piece of furniture and wasn’t sure if I should sand between coats of gel stain<\/a>.<\/p>\n

It was a hot summer day, and I was sweating bullets as I slathered on the first coat of gel stain<\/a>. I was so excited to see the final product that I couldn’t wait to get started on the second coat.<\/p>\n

But as I reached for the sandpaper, I hesitated. Was I really supposed to sand between coats of gel stain<\/a>? I had heard mixed opinions on the subject and I didn’t want to mess up all of my hard work.<\/p>\n

So, I did what any reasonable person would do – I called my handy dandy friend Google for advice.<\/p>\n

Well, let me tell you – Google did not disappoint. I found all sorts of conflicting information on the topic. Some sources said that sanding between coats was a must, while others said it was a complete waste of time.<\/p>\n

I was thoroughly confused and frustrated by this point, and I was starting to regret ever starting this project in the first place.<\/p>\n

I mean, how was I supposed to know what to do? I was just a humble DIYer, not a professional woodworker!<\/p>\n

After much contemplation (and a few choice swear words), I finally decided to go with my gut and skip the sanding step.<\/p>\n

I figured that if it turned out to be a mistake, I could always sand it down and start over.<\/p>\n

So, I applied the second coat of gel stain<\/a> and crossed my fingers. And you know what? It turned out just fine! The finish was smooth and even, and I was able to achieve the look I was going for. Phew, crisis averted!<\/p>\n

But despite my success, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had cheated the system. I mean, was it really that easy? Could I have skipped the sanding step and still gotten great results?<\/p>\n

I knew I had to find out for sure, so I did some more digging and here’s what I found.<\/p>\n


Table of Contents<\/p>\n