The Ultimate Guide to Matching Paint Colors with Hunter Green Carpet


What’s up, y’all! It’s your boy, Joe, back at it again with some home decorating advice.

Today, I’m going to help you solve the age-old question: what color paint goes with hunter green carpet?.

Now, before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you a funny story about my own experience with green carpet.

Back in college, I moved into a new apartment with some friends, and the living room had this hideous green carpet.

We tried everything to make it work, but no matter what we did, it just looked terrible.

It wasn’t until we found the right paint color that the room finally came together.

So, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to decorate a room with green carpet.

But don’t worry, I got you covered!


The answer to the million-dollar question is.

There’s not just one answer! It all depends on the vibe you want to create in your room.

But don’t worry, I’ll walk you through all your options.

Neutral Colors

If you’re going for a classic look, you can never go wrong with neutral colors.

Cream, beige, and gray are all great options that will complement your green carpet without overwhelming it.

These colors are also super versatile and easy to decorate around.

Plus, if you ever decide to switch up your decor, your neutral walls will still match.

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Bold Colors

If you want to make a statement, go bold! Colors like navy blue, deep purple, or even black can create a dramatic contrast with your green carpet.

Just make sure to balance out the darkness with some lighter accents, like white furniture or light-colored curtains.

A bold color choice can be a little intimidating, but it can also add some serious personality to your room.

Warm Colors

If you want to create a cozy, inviting atmosphere, warm colors are the way to go.

Colors like burnt orange, mustard yellow, and rust red can all complement green carpet nicely.

Just be careful not to go too overboard with the warm tones, or your room might start to feel like a sauna.

Balance out the warmth with some cool-toned accents, like blue pillows or a green plant.

Cool Colors

If you prefer a more calming, peaceful vibe, cool colors are the perfect choice.

Light blues, greens, and even a pale lavender can all look beautiful with green carpet.

These colors work especially well in rooms with a lot of natural light, as they can create a refreshing, breezy atmosphere.

Just be careful not to go too dark, or your room might start to feel gloomy.

My Personal Experience

When I first moved into my new apartment, I was excited to decorate my living room.

But the green carpet threw me for a loop.

I tried a few different paint colors, but nothing seemed to work.

That’s when I decided to go with a bold color choice: dark blue.

At first, I was a little nervous that it would be too much, but once I added some white furniture and a few pops of color, the room really came together.

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Now, it’s my favorite room in the house!.


Q: Can I use patterned wallpaper instead of paint?

A: Absolutely! Just make sure the pattern isn’t too overwhelming, or it might clash with your carpet.

A subtle, simple pattern can add some visual interest to your walls without detracting from your hunter green carpet.

Q: What if I want to keep my walls white?

A: That’s totally cool, too! White walls can actually be a great option with green carpet, as they provide a clean, fresh backdrop for your decor.

Just make sure to add some colorful accents, like pillows or artwork, to prevent your room from looking too sterile.

Q: What about accent walls?

A: Accent walls can be a fun way to add some personality to your room.

If you want to create an accent wall, try to choose a color that complements your hunter green carpet without being too matchy-matchy.

For example, if your carpet has more blue undertones, you could paint your accent wall a deep navy or teal.

So there you have it, folks!

A complete guide to matching paint colors with hunter green carpet. Remember, there’s no one “right” answer, so don’t be afraid to experiment and find the color combination that works best for you.

And if all else fails, just throw a rug over that green carpet and call it a day.
