What Color Carpet Goes With Pink Walls?

What Color Carpet Goes With Pink Walls?

So, y’all ever heard the story about the time I painted my living room pink? Oh boy, let me tell you, it was quite the experience. I was feeling real fancy and decided, “Why not? Pink is the new black!”

I had this grand vision of a room that was equal parts feminine and masculine, with a bold, pink accent wall and all my vintage sports memorabilia on display. I thought it would be a real conversation starter, you know?

Well, long story short, I ended up with a room that looked like a Pepto Bismol bottle exploded all over it. And, not to mention, trying to find a carpet that would match was a nightmare.

I learned the hard way that just because a color looks good on a paint swatch, doesn’t mean it’s gonna look good in real life.

But, have no fear, my friends! I’ve done the research, made the mistakes, and am here to share my knowledge with y’all so you can avoid the same pitfalls I did.

So, without further ado, let’s dive into what color carpet goes with pink walls.

What Color Carpet Goes With Pink Walls?

The Basics: Understanding Undertones

First things first, let’s talk about undertones. In case you’re not familiar, undertone refers to the underlying hue of a color.

For example, pink can have undertones of red, purple, or even blue.

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When it comes to matching pink walls with a carpet, it’s important to figure out what undertone your pink walls have.

This will help you narrow down the options and make a decision that will actually complement your walls, rather than clash with them.

What Color Carpet Goes With Pink Walls?

Complimentary Colors: Choosing the Right Carpet

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s talk about complimentary colors.

These are colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel and, when paired together, create a really visually pleasing contrast.

When it comes to pink walls, we have a few options for complimentary colors:

Neutral Ground: Playin’ it Safe

What Color Carpet Goes With Pink Walls?

Alright, so maybe you’re not feeling too adventurous and just want to play it safe. That’s totally cool, and there’s nothing wrong with that!

When it comes to neutral colors, gray and beige are always a solid choice. These colors will create a nice balance with pink walls and won’t clash with the undertone of the walls.

If you’re looking for something a little more unique, you can try pairing pink walls with a neutral carpet that has a subtle pattern. This will add interest to the room without overwhelming it.


Q: Can I mix pink and purple together in a room?

A: Sure thing! Pink and purple are actually in the same family, so they can complement each other nicely. Just make sure to pay attention to the undertones and choose shades that will work well together.

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Q: Can I have a pink carpet with pink walls?

A: It’s definitely possible, but it’s important to choose different shades of pink to avoid a “blending in” effect. You also might want to consider different textures and patterns to add interest to the room.

Q: Can I mix patterns and prints in a room with pink walls?

A: Of course! Patterns and prints can add a lot of personality to a room. Just make sure to choose ones that complement each other and don’t clash with the undertone of the walls.

Tie it all Together: Joe’s Pro Tips

In summary, when it comes to pairing carpet with pink walls, it’s all about understanding undertones and choosing colors that complement each other.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different shades and patterns, but always keep in mind the undertone of your walls.

And, most importantly, don’t be like me and just wing it. Do your research and make sure you’re making a decision that you’ll be happy with in the long run.

Now go forth and make your living room dreams a reality!
