What Color Carpet Goes With Blue Walls?

What Color Carpet Goes With Blue Walls?

Hey y’all, it’s Joe here, and I’ve got a story to tell ya about the time I tried to match carpet to my blue walls.

It was a total disaster, let me tell ya. I had just painted my living room a beautiful shade of baby blue, and I was so excited to finish off the room with a nice plush carpet.

I figured, “How hard could it be? The walls are blue, I’ll just get a blue carpet!” Boy, was I wrong.

I went to the carpet store, and I saw all these different shades of blue carpet. There was “sky blue,” “navy blue,” “royal blue,” “teal blue,” and so on.

I was overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start. So, I just picked out a carpet that looked like it was the same color as my walls, and I took it home.

But when I laid it down, it looked like a totally different color. It was too dark, too light, too green, too purple, I couldn’t even tell what color it was.

I was so disappointed and frustrated. I had spent all this money, and now my living room looked like a hot mess. I had to rip up the carpet, and I was back to square one. I knew I had to do more research before making my next move.

After a lot of research, trial and error, I finally found the perfect carpet color to match my blue walls and I will share all my findings with you in this article.

But before we dive into it, let me give you a quick answer, The perfect carpet color to match blue walls is neutral shades like beige, gray, and white.

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Now let’s dive in and see why these shades are the best match for blue walls and some other options that you can consider.

Neutral Shades

Neutral shades like beige, gray, and white are the perfect match for blue walls. These shades are versatile and work well with a wide range of colors.

Plus, they won’t clash with your blue walls, and they’ll help to create a cohesive look in your room.

Beige is a warm and inviting color that works well with a variety of blue shades. It’s a great choice if you want to create a cozy and inviting space.

Gray is a more modern and sophisticated color, and it works well with both light and dark blue walls. White is a classic and timeless color that creates a clean and fresh look in any room.

Complimentary Shades

Another option to consider is to choose carpet colors that are complementary to blue.

Complementary colors are located opposite of each other on the color wheel and they create a nice balance when paired together.

For example, orange and blue are complementary colors and can look great together.

Other complementary colors to blue are:

  • Yellow
  • Green
  • Violet

These colors are not as safe as neutral shades, but if you want to add a pop of color to your room, they can work great.

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Matching Shades

Another option to consider is matching the color of your carpet to the color of your walls. This will create a cohesive and seamless look in your room.

However, it can be difficult to find the perfect match, and you may need to do some custom ordering or dyeing to get the exact shade you’re looking for.

If you decide to go this route, be sure to consider the undertones of the color and how they will look in different lighting.

For example, if your walls are a pale blue, a pale blue carpet may look too washed out, and if your walls are a navy blue, a navy carpet may look too dark.

Creative and Funky

If you’re feeling adventurous and want to make a bold statement, then why not play around with different colors and patterns? You can mix and match different shades of blue, or even add in a pop of another color.

For example, a patterned carpet with blue, orange, and white could look great with blue walls.

Or you can go for a unique geometric pattern that will add interest and depth to the room.

Remember that with this option, you’ll have to be careful not to overdo it, and the pattern should complement the walls and not overpower them.


Q: Can I mix blue carpet with blue walls?

A: Yes, you can mix blue carpet with blue walls, but it can be difficult to find the perfect match. It’s best to consider the undertones of the color and how they will look in different lighting.

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Neutral shades like beige, gray, or white may be a safer option.

Q: Is it okay to mix different shades of blue in my carpet and walls?

A: Yes, you can mix different shades of blue in your carpet and walls, but it’s important to consider the undertones and how they will look together.

It’s best to try different combinations and see what looks best in your space.

Q: Can I use a patterned carpet with blue walls?

A: Yes, you can use a patterned carpet with blue walls, but it’s important to choose a pattern that complements the walls and doesn’t overpower them.

A patterned carpet can add interest and depth to the room, but be careful not to overdo it.

My Final Verdict

In conclusion, when it comes to matching carpet to blue walls, the options are endless.

But, the best options are neutral shades like beige, gray, and white, complimentary shades like orange, yellow, green, and violet, and even matching shades.

Whatever option you choose, make sure to consider the undertones of the colors and how they will look in different lighting.

And, most importantly, have fun with it! Don’t be afraid to experiment and try different combinations until you find the perfect match for your blue walls.
