Category: Room

  • Joe’s Guide to Making Your Room Look Bigger with Light Furniture

    Joe’s Guide to Making Your Room Look Bigger with Light Furniture

    So, I’m Joe, and I remember the time when I moved into my first apartment. I was so excited to finally have my own place, but when I walked in, I realized it was smaller than I had imagined. I was like “Wow, this place is tiny”. I had a lot of furniture from my…

  • Does Light Carpet Make a Room Look Bigger?

    Does Light Carpet Make a Room Look Bigger?

    When it comes to interior design, the devil is in the details. One of the most overlooked but important details is the color of the carpet. Believe it or not, the color of your carpet can make a room look larger or smaller. So if you’re looking to make your room look bigger, you’re in…