Category: Kitchen

  • Can You Mix Kitchen Hardware Colors?

    Can You Mix Kitchen Hardware Colors?

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here and I’m here to tell y’all a little story ’bout the time I decided to mix and match my kitchen hardware. So I’m a big DIY guy, y’know? I like to do things myself and save a little money where I can. So when it came time to…

  • Does All The Hardware In A Kitchen Have To Match?

    Does All The Hardware In A Kitchen Have To Match?

    Hey y’all, it’s your boy Joe here, and I’ve got a funny story for ya. So I’m renovating my kitchen, right? And I’m tryna make it look all fancy and whatnot. So I’m at the hardware store, and I’m like “Yeah, I need all new hardware for my kitchen, but it’s gotta match, you know…

  • Resetting the Sensor on Your Moen Faucet: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Resetting the Sensor on Your Moen Faucet: A Step-by-Step Guide

    It’s happened to all of us, right? You’re washing your hands, and suddenly the faucet stops working. You wave your hands around frantically, but nothing happens. It’s like the faucet has just given up on you. Well, that’s exactly what happened to me last week. I was in the middle of washing my hands and…

  • How Much Space Should Be Between Kitchen Cabinets For A Dishwasher?

    How Much Space Should Be Between Kitchen Cabinets For A Dishwasher?

    So, let me tell ya, I remember the time when I was moving into my first apartment and I got really excited about finally having a dishwasher. I mean, who doesn’t love the idea of not having to scrub every single dish by hand? But, as it turns out, I didn’t properly measure the space…